Mesothelioma Prognosis

When an individual is diagnosed with mesothelioma, one of the first questions you will have to say, "As I live long?" This is a scary question - and a tough ask - but one for which most cancer patients at the end look for an answer.
It 's very difficult for oncologists and members of the medical team of a patient to a definitive answer to this question. In fact, every case is different and cancer can unpredictable disease. Sometimes, cases that look hopeless turn out to be so bleak. In other cases, cancers that do not do as bad quickly progress and result in an untimely death.
Malignant mesothelioma is extremely aggressive and has a long incubation period. Thus, cases usually not detected until the disease has reached advanced stages of cancer. As a result, the prognosis for such patients is often not favorable; The diagnosis of mesothelioma survival rate following is usually only a year or two. But that does not mean there will be no exceptions, or that will not enhance the prospects for the coming years, especially as more and better treatments are developed. In general, the prognosis is improved for patients suffering from mesothelioma in recent decades.
Mesothelioma Prognosis By Stage
determine prognosis
Currently, a number of different issues determine the mesothelioma patient's prognosis. These include:
Type - Mesothelioma is classified as one of three types, depending on the tissues involved. The epithelial type accounts for about 50 percent of all cases, the sarcomatoid mesothelioma is seen in 15 percent of patients diagnosed and 35% have the mixed type of the disease. Those with epithelial mesothelioma have a better survival rate than the other types.
Location - Mesothelioma is also classified on the basis of location. For example, pleural mesothelioma, which attacks the lining of the lungs, is the most common, accounting for about 8o percent of all cases. Those the best survival rate with this type of cancer. Peritoneal mesothelioma in the abdomen lining, the next most common and is diagnosed in about 10 -15 percent of mesothelioma victims. It is, in general, more difficult to do with it. Less common types are very difficult to treat, including pericardial and testicular mesothelioma.
Stage of the disease - The prognosis for mesothelioma cancer depends on early disease is diagnosed and how soon treatment can begin. Because of the long latency period of the disease is often not diagnosed until stage 3 or 4, reached when mesothelioma symptoms finally appear. Unfortunately, many of these symptoms are common to various respiratory diseases including his much less serious, like the flu or pneumonia. This often results in a misdiagnosis.
Metastasis - When a mesothelioma diagnosis is ultimately, oncologists will often find that the cancer has spread - or "spread" - the location of the primary tumor - usually the pleura - to other parts of the body, often surrounding organs and lymph nodes. The extent of the metastases will determine what type of treatment is also recommended as the prognosis.
the general health of the patient - Simply put, younger and stronger patients with mesothelioma live longer than those of advanced age, that existing health problems. The elderly are often faced with problems such as heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure, making mesothelioma surgery and traditional cancer treatments much more risky and severely limiting treatment options
Additional factors Mesothelioma Prognosis
Mesothelioma life expectancy
Life expectancy for people with malignant mesothelioma diagnosis depends on a number of factors, including the patient's general health, cancer stage at diagnosis, and the eligibility of patients for certain treatments. Who were diagnosed with early stage cancer and good health in general will have a more favorable prognosis than those with the diagnosis of later stages of the disease.
Mesothelioma survival rate
Most survival rates for cancer are quoted with respect to what is commonly known as the survival rate relative to five years. This indicates the number of patients still alive five years after being diagnosed with this disease. At present, the survival rate at five years for mesothelioma victims is about 10 percent. Although this is a very disappointing statistic represents a slight improvement in the numbers seen 10 years ago and much higher than 20-30 years ago.
The survival rate at one year of current for mesothelioma patients is about 40 percent. This has increased considerably over the past 10 years. Unfortunately, the prognosis for most mesothelioma patients remains poor. Many still die less than a year after diagnosis, the average survival rate is 10-11 months, according to the American Cancer Association.
mesothelioma remission
Mesothelioma is one of the most aggressive forms of cancer and can spread rapidly from its origin in the lungs, abdominal cavity and lymph nodes. This makes patients suffering from small mesothelioma go into remission. However, if properly and are treated early enough, many patients have been able to have been the chance of survival in the long farther than previous expectations. Treatment options include surgical resection, chemotherapy, radiation and mesothelioma.
The mesothelioma survivors
Although there is currently no cure for mesothelioma, many patients have to be successful in the management of cancer with conventional treatments, such as chemotherapy and had surgical methods. Some patients with mesothelioma have survived many years after what was initially a poor prognosis.
Improve the prognosis for mesothelioma
During the last decade, the situation of mesothelioma patients received more attention and more research dollars have been funneled towards the study of this disease and the discovery of new and innovative drugs and treatments to provide more hope of a better prognosis for someone with mesothelioma.
Scientists have been working on new tests that strive to diagnose the disease at an earlier stage. For example, the Mesomark® test is a simple blood test that measures the amount of soluble mesothelin-related peptides (SMRP) measured in the blood. This biomarker is released can be increased by mesothelioma cells into the bloodstream and SMRP for many years before symptoms appear, and place a real diagnosis of the disease.
Treatments with new chemotherapy drugs like Alimta and procedures that deliver more targeted radiation to the tumor have helped to add to the life expectancy of a mesothelioma patient. In addition, experimental treatments such as immunotherapy, gene therapy and photodynamic therapy can be further tested as a potential treatment options.
Each new step in the field of mesothelioma research improves the mesothelioma prognosis little by little and provides additional hope for mesothelioma affected individuals and their loved ones.
Mesothelioma Prognosis and costs associated with treatment
Medical treatment can cost you significantly with a mesothelioma diagnosis, regardless of the outcome. Sometimes, insurance companies may not cover the cost of diagnostic tests, clinical trials and other experimental therapies. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed, as the adoption of measures to help offset the potential financial burden should be considered. More information about the financial support available if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma and asbestos exposure.

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